Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Turbulence Training Book - A Deeper Look Inside

So, the Turbulence Training book, eh? It's a great read. You're still doing research? Thats okay, but let this article be the last stop on your travels. I want to take you on a journey into a deeper look inside of the turbulence training book.

First. Who is Craig Ballantyne and why should I listen to what he has to say?

Craig Ballantyne is "...a world-renowned Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and author of too many articles to count in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, and Maximum Fitness."

I, personally, have found many of his articles with Men's Health to be extremely helpful, so I have personal experience that has built my trust in him. You can take my word for it or go read some yourself, and then come back here.

Okay, okay. I trust Craig Ballantyne, but what does his product offer me?

Well, for starters, it busts the popular myths regarding cardio workouts and how to lose body fat. Using his system you will be able to lose large amounts of body fat without compromising your muscle gain, and vice versa. Not many other programs promise this.

In fact, Craig actually discusses the studies he used when doing his research for the Turbulence Training Book. It's some pretty exciting stuff.

Why is Turbulence Training better than the other products out there?

Turbulence Training uses the most current research and information as its foundation. You will be doing interval training to lose weight more efficiently than the traditional slow steady cardio. You will be lifting weights to build muscle AND lose fat. Weight lifting actually stimulates your metabolism for up to 48 hours after you're finished.

So, I've tried to dive a little bit deeper under the surface with this article about the Turbulence Training Book. I hope you've found it educational and I hope that you start taking action!

Did you know that most people fail with exercise programs because they never start? Don't be one of those people.

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