Losing Weight in Less Than 3 Hours a Week - A Review of Turbulence Training
Do you want to get into shape and lose weight without killing yourself? Of course you do! We all want to lose weight and get into the best physical condition that we can.
I reviewed the Turbulence Training Program and I expected to see a program that was designed for the super jocks or the youngsters, however, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the program is designed for almost everybody regardless of our present condition.
There are different parts of the program that deal with beginners, those that are intermediate exercisers and of course those that are in shape and looking for a challenge to get that chiseled look.
At the beginning I found tips on how to train in a safe manner. There's nothing worse that starting a program and injuring yourself. The time lost for recovery is devastating and during this interlude you'll probably fall back and gain a couple of those unwanted pounds.
During the introduction to the program I learned about Craig Ballantyne's theory of attacking fat loss and getting into peak condition. The key principles involved for the program include intensity, variety and change. Using these key elements you will see remarkable results within a short period of time.
The program is designed for busy men and women and most of the exercise periods last about 45 minutes. So the question is "do you have 3 hours per week to spend to lose weight and get your ideal body"? This is only 3 or 4 days and it is time well spent.
A typical exercise session for the beginner includes a warm up session. This is followed by a series of exercises done back to back with no or little time between the different exercises. There are 3 sets of the basic exercises and then it is followed by approximately 20 minutes of interval training.
Interval training is doing a set of cardio exercise, increasing intensity as the period progresses. An example can be shown by using the treadmill. Each interval is done for 1 minute beginning with a very slow walk and at the end of the minute you increase the speed one notch. This is done for 5 intervals increasing the speed after each one and the last interval you are running as fast as you can. After completing the highest speed you drop back down to the slow walk and repeat the process. The total number is a total of 4 complete rounds which gives a total of 20 minutes and this makes a very good work out.
Each work out day is followed by an off day. During the off day you should try and walk or move for at least 30 minutes. No strenuous tasks that might interfere with the recovery process. As with all programs; you do need to monitor your food intake.
One of the neat things I found in the program is that there are pictures and explanations along with videos for the different exercises that will eliminate confusion about how an exercise should be performed.
The bottom line is that I recommend this program very highly and I have even invested in it myself. Join me and let me know how you do. You can learn more about the Turbulence Training at my website at http://www.wileyweightloss.com. Drop by and visit sometime and check us out; we have some tips and recommendations for your better health and weight loss.
Labels: free-turbulence-training-workouts, turbulence-training-bodybuilding, turbulence-training-cardio, turbulence-training-for-muscle-8-week-program, turbulence-training-workout-program
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