Eat Stop Eat and Turbulence Training - Can They Work Together?
Usually, when a person begins on a weight loss quest, he or she looks around until they decide upon one plan or another. If they happen on a good one, they can achieve excellent results. However, what most people fail to realize is that each diet and fitness program has its own specialties and that it's possible to combine more than one plan together into what can only be described as a super-weight-loss program.
Of course, you need to find 2 plans which work well with each other and complement how the other works and what it can do for you and your body. One example of such a combination is to use Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training and Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat program together.
The power of Turbulence Training is in its short but explosive workouts which enable you to burn a lot of calories in a short time and develop lean muscle tissue which increases your metabolic rate and also improves the tone and firmness of your body.
The power of Eat Stop Eat is that it allows you to eat relatively freely on most days as long as you also dedicate one day per week to do a liquid fast which helps cleanse your body and push it into a hyper fat-burning mode.
As all successful weight loss depends on 2 pillars: the fitness pillar and the nutrition pillar, here you get the best of both worlds. Sure, this means you need to invest in 2 diet and fitness plans. However, what you're getting is a combination which isn't double in effectiveness of what one of these programs can provide, but much more. In fact, using Turbulence Training and Eat Stop Eat in conjunction can help push your results into a whole new sphere, making this a worthwhile investment in your health, appearance, and well being.
To read more about intensive workouts, click here: Turbulence Training Ebook Review [].
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Eat Stop Eat ebook.
Labels: bodybuilding-workouts, fitness-trainer, free-turbulence-training-workouts, muscle-training, turbulence_training_program, turbulence-training-bodyweight-500, turbulence-training-manual, workout-training
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