Turbulence Training Evaluation For Possible Workout Program Success
Turbulence Training promises to burn fat and build muscle in as little as 45 minutes, 3 days a week. I'm going to do a Turbulence Training evaluation to see if it is a successful workout program like it claims. After all, nobody wants to waste their hard-earned money and valuable time on a workout program that doesn't work.
But what makes for a successful workout program?
The truth is, your goals determine the success of a workout program. If your goal is to build muscle and you do a fat loss workout, the program most likely won't be successful for you. However, if your goal was to burn fat you need to find the right fat loss workout for you and it will be successful.
Now, having said that, You need to look for 6 characteristics to ensure a workout program has the best chance of being successful. If the program is lacking in any of these characteristics, it could spell trouble. Use your common sense to determine if the workout program is right for your goals, needs, abilities and limitations.
Let's see if Turbulence Training has the necessary characteristics:
The Workout Program Must Be Effective For Your Goals
I know this sounds simple, but you would be surprised how many people are actively involved in programs that will never produce the results they seek. So make sure the workout is designed to produce the RESULTS you want!
Turbulence Training is designed to burn fat and build muscle in as little as 45 minutes, 3 times a week. Therefore, it is not designed to MAXIMIZE fat loss or MAXIMIZE muscle gain. You'll get both!
This is important, because for most men and women, creating the perfect body requires both the reduction of fat and building and strengthening muscles. So, if you want to burn off fat and build muscle to create a more athletic, stronger, leaner and more attractive body, Turbulence Training is a successful workout program.
The Workout Program Must Be Interesting
If the workout program you use is not interesting, you won't do it long enough for it to be successful. In the beginning, you may be able to force yourself to complete workouts you hate. But sooner of later you'll give up and fail to achieve your goals.
Turbulence Training uses an A - B workout structure. For example, one week 1 you'll do workouts A - B - A. Then on week 2, you'll do workouts B - A - B. So each week will be a little different.
This is not only a very effective way to train, but it keeps you looking forward to you workout time! If you are go to the gym and do the same thing over and again, it is only a matter of time before you plateau and get bored. Plus, this structure is part of the reason for the "turbulence" in Turbulence Training.
The Workout Program Must Be Modifiable
Let's face it, there is not ONE workout program that fits everyone's goals, needs, abilities and limitations. Therefore, you must have a degree of freedom to modify the workouts and make them uniquely your own. By taking an active role in designing the workout, you can get more results for your particular goals.
Turbulence Training is really a template for your workout. There are two different workouts (A and B) and each workout contains resistance training of non-competing supersets followed by interval training.
The great thing is, by changing exercises, equipment, reps, sets, and rest periods you can modify the program to meet your specific needs. Craig gives you a lot of different workouts using the same format, but modified slightly to achieve specific goals. You can either choose one of those programs, or you can put together your own. You'll find many ways to use the Turbulence Training methods.
The Workout Program Must Be Sustainable
A workout only gets results when you actually do it. Therefore, workouts that are dependent on fancy equipment or special devices cease to be effective when the equipment isnt available. You need to be able to do some form of the workout, even when circumstances of your life change.
Turbulence Training is very versatile. It can be done with bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, Swiss ball, barbells or any combination thereof. This means, there really is no reason to miss a workout!
When the circumstances of your training change, or your goals change, Turbulence Training is sustainable. This is a workout program you can come back to over and over again and keep the improvements coming.
The Workout Program Must Be Progressive
There are a lot of workouts out there that don't teach you how to progress. If you are not progressing, then you won't make any advancements. It is as simple as that. A clear progression strategy is paramount to a workout programs success.
Turbulence Training is progressive in a variety of ways. First, the program progresses by using increasingly challenging workouts. As you move through the workouts, they become more difficult, forcing your body to keep burning fat and building muscle.
Plus, there are a wide variety of Turbulence Training workouts to choose from. Therefore, you can also progress by using bodyweight training and then switching to weighted resistance.
The Workout Program Must Be Measurable
The ability to measure your progress keeps you on the track of success, enabling you to see where you've been and where you're going. Make sure the workout program you choose comes with a workout journal, or that one can be easily made. Don't underestimate the importance of a workout journal.
Turbulence Training comes with printable workout sheets. This is very important.
Make sure to print them off and FILL THEM IN. You'll want to see how much you've progressed since starting your Turbulence Training program. One of the great things about Turbulence Training being a downloadable is you can print off as many workout sheets as you need over the years.
Turbulence Training Evaluation Conclusion
Turbulence Training meets all 6 requirements for a successful workout program. Success is promising, if you do the workouts! So, if you want to lose those extra pounds of fat and build and athletically muscular physique, Turbulence Training has all the characteristics to be very successful.
Coach Eddie Lomax has picked Turbulence Training as one of the best fat loss workouts. Check out all the top 4 fat loss workout picks at: http://www.bestathomeworkouts.com
Labels: bodybuilding-exercise, boot-camp-exercises, gym-workout-routines, interval-training, online-fitness-trainer, turbulence_training_scam, turbulence-training-by, work-out-training
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