Exercise And Weight Loss - How Turbulence Training Helps Lose Weight!
It is a known fact that exercise helps lose calories and adding a moderate exercise program to the weight loss regimen will improve energy expenditure even more by adding calorie-burning lean muscle tissue to the body.
When choosing from the various exercise programs that are available, it is important to understand that a good exercise routine is one that assists in maximizing metabolic efficiency, gaining muscle as well as training the body to burn stored fat for energy. Turbulence training does exactly that.
The main concept behind turbulence training is to create a disturbance (turbulence) in the body using resistance training and interval training, ensuring the body gains much more energy than many other fat loss programs.
Resistance training is aimed at increasing muscle strength by pushing the muscles to work against an external force, such as dumbbells. Interval training, on the other hand, aims at improving performance with intense training sessions alternated with intervals of no activity. Studies show that this type of exercise is very effective in achieving weight loss when compared to continuous exercise of moderate speed.
Turbulence training accomplishes the desired effect of losing fat and gaining muscle. The greatest benefit is after the exercise ends. If you exercise for just half-hour, the calorie burning will increase for a complete twenty-four hour period or even more, which means you are burning fat even while relaxing in front of the TV or sleeping.
When faced with the problem of weight gain, most people end up doing more of cardio and starving themselves. This does not work and the end result is losing muscle instead of fat.
To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com
Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training
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