An Effective 3 Day a Week Muscle Building Plan - Turbulence Training
Turbulence Training is a muscle building plan that's built around 3 short, intense workouts a week and builds muscle fast. The Turbulence Training program was designed by Craig Ballantyne, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and body builder. Craig is a man who knows what he's talking about when it comes to muscle building techniques: he's written articles for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and other magazines.
The Turbulence Training program is based on research that shows high-intensity interval training (often called HIIT), along with lifting heavy weights, is a far more way to build muscle and lose fat than long, boring cardio routines and lifting light weights with lots of reps. The plan shows how you can both build muscle and lose fat, while working out for only 45 minutes a day, three days a week, from the privacy of your own home. A typical Turbulence Training workout might look something like this:
- 5 minutes of warm-up
- 15-20 minutes of strength training
- 15-20 minutes of interval training
- 3 days a week
As you can see, a Turbulence Training workout is far shorter than the typical gym workout. But don't mistake a short workout for an easy workout. This is no muscle building plan for wimps. These short workouts are very intense, and you really need to start out slow if you aren't already in decent shape.
Besides the reduced time requirements, a major benefit of the Turbulence Training muscle building plan is that you get a lot of variety in your workouts. For many people, a big drawback of traditional workouts is that they get bored doing the same workout month after month. In this program, you are required to change your workout every four weeks. This prevents your body from adapting itself to the requirements of the program, which will cause your progress to stop. And since you only work out 3 times a week, you only do a particular workout 12 times before changing it. You'll find it hard to get bored in only 12 short workouts.
Turbulence Training offers great value too. When you buy this package, you not only get the Turbulence Training program, but you also get a load of extra health and fitness information that isn't part of the core muscle building plan. For example, there's a one-hour MP3 audio talking about the details of the program and Craig's philosophy on fat loss, and a 20-minute workout guide written for "the World's busiest dads."
If you don't want to join a gym, or you don't have the time to work out for an hour every day of the week, this could be the muscle building program for you. The Turbulence Training materials describe each workout in full detail, and include photos where appropriate, so you know exactly what you need to do and how you need to do it. If you can squeeze out 45 minutes a day, three days a week to work out, you can follow this muscle building plan. In today's busy world, where we've all got too much to do and too little time, Turbulence Training fits.
You can learn more about how to build muscle and lose fat using the Turbulence Training muscle building plan, and other muscle building techniques at
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