Thursday, January 31, 2008

Turbulence Training-A New Twist On An Old Idea

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably witnessed Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training taking the Internet by storm. Of course, newspapers and magazines are also propagating the madness. However, one question needs to be addresses: Is Turbulence Training just a rehash of old material?

Turbulence Training Basics

According to Turbulence Training, certain exercises are deemed "a waste of time". This program is designed to be quick and efficient with no wasted motion. Now, for most people, this is a great thing because of the sheer lack of time allocated for exercises.

Basically, we are looking to ramp up the metabolism using a phenomenon called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). We all know that oxygen use is a direct correlation to calorie burn.

So what's the answer?

1. Exercising using compound movements only. Forget about your tricep kickbacks and your curls. Stick to exercises like bench press and rows.

2. No slow, boring cardio. Interval training is in. Slow cardio can (and will) actually take your hard earned muscle and turn it into energy. Your body tends to become more efficient.

3. No more 1.5 hour workouts. Train like a sprinter.

Now, these aren't the only principles of Turbulence Training... there are more. And, Craig Ballantyne isn't the only person talking this way either. In actuality, more and more elite trainers are ditching the "old school" ways of cardiovascular exercise and switching over to interval training and full body workouts to faciliate the fat burning process.

What you do is totally up to you. However, I do know that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same things but expecting difference results. Make sure to give Turbulence Training a try if your workouts are leaving you with less than expected results.

Brad Howard has reviewed Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training and has a few secrets to tell you that most people will never know about the program.

You can check out Craig's program in it's entirety by clicking here

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  • Turbulence Training Review - Find Out What The Turbulence Training Is About
  • Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Is Turbulence Training The Answer?
  • Interval Training Works For Me - Is Turbulence Training The Best Interval Training System For You?
  • Fast Fat Loss - What Makes Turbulence Training Different?
  • Labels: , , , , ,

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    Turbulence Training Review - What's The "Turbulence"?

    Turbulence Training seems to be the busy person's workout program dream. With a short investment of time (only 45 minutes 3 times a week) both men and women can build more muscular bodies without the fat. But can you get all the benefits of exercise in only 2 hours and 25 minutes a week?

    Let's be honest, most men and women fail to reach their fitness, fat loss and muscle building goals. They start their workout program full of hope, only to fall short of their goals. They don't build muscularly attractive bodies, and the fat is still covering the muscle they do have. One of the reasons they give for their failure is "they don't have time to work out". They are under the impression the body they want can only be built by spending hours a day in the gym. But Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training proves this to be false.

    Craig has put all his scientific research and real world observations into a workout program that get results in the shortest time possible. So, if you don't have a lot of time to exercise, Turbulence Training may be the answer. I know you're still skeptical, so let me explain what the "turbulence" is in Turbulence Training. After all, this is the characteristic of the workout program that makes it so unique and so effective.

    What is Turbulence Training?

    There are 3 major characteristics of Turbulence Training.

    1) Each resistance training workout is made up of non-competing supersets. You do your exercises in pairs, where the muscles used are different. This means you are resting one muscle group while the other one works. This allows you to get more work done in a shorter period of time.

    2) You follow your resistance training with high intensity interval training. Instead of long, slow, time consuming cardio, you're going to split your training into short bursts of high intensity exercise. This is not only highly effective for building heart and lung power and burning fat, but it is fast as well.

    3) You rotate between two different workouts, Workout A and Workout B. So, week 1 you will do workouts A,B,A and week 2 you will do workouts B,A,B. This workout structure keeps the workout fresh and fun while keeping the muscles growing and the fat burning away.

    These 3 characteristics are what cause the "turbulence effect".

    You get the most out of your training time by following a routine allowing you to get a great deal of work done in a short period of time. Plus, the workout is varied enough so you won't get bored, reach plateaus or suffer from overuse injuries. You get the most out of your 45 minutes in the gym.

    Turbulence Training shakes up your body so it must adapt. And your body adapts by building strong, attractive muscle and burning off unwanted fat. Your body remains in a constant state of turmoil, forcing change. You see, "turbulence". Instead of doing the same workout over and over again, you keep changing things up to keep the improvements coming. And since you expend a great deal of energy in a short period of time, your body burns calories both during the workout and for hours afterward. So, your body burns fat even when you're not working out! Now, that is effective use of your training time.

    So, if you're tired of not reaching your muscle building and fat loss goals, it's time to shake things up with Turbulence Training.

    Find out how to get a complete Coach Eddie Lomax workout program absolutely FREE to compare to Turbulence Training.

    Get details at:

    Watch as Coach Lomax gives you the opportunity to try two very effective workout programs, and finally reach your fitness, fat loss and muscle building goals.

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  • Turbulence Training
  • Turbulence Training - Turbo Charge Muscle Stength And Weight Loss With Turbulence Training
  • Discover Why Turbulence Training Is Perfect For The Person With The Busy Lifestyle
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    Monday, January 21, 2008

    Turbulence Training - How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

    Many people who aim to lose weight fail because they don't know how to reach weight loss goal. There is a certain strategy you need to adopt if you really want to lose weight. In this article, we shall discuss the whole strategy which will help you understand how to reach weight loss goal.

    So, how to reach weight loss goal? First off, you need to understand specifically how much weight you want to lose or should lose. Instead of making vague calculations, you can do the following:

    1. Use Body Mass Index: Feelings like 'I am overweight' or that 'I want to lose some weight' are very subjective thoughts. You should know what you really aim to do. To get a better feel of how much weight you want to lose, you may want to use the Body Mass Index and know what your BMI is. This will help you set more specific weight loss goals and eventually you will find out that your weight has returned back to normal.

    2. Another option is to schedule an appointment with your local physician. Tell him about your problems. Most likely, he is already aware of your medical history and he can tell you specifically how much weight you should lose.

    Once you are clear on your aim, it is time to set up a goal and make an action plan. To do this, you can do one of the following:

    1. If you haven't been doing it already, you should start maintaining a weight loss diary where you write down your goals, your present height and weight stats and both your short and long term weight loss goals. Your goals should be specific and not vague.

    Example of a specific goal: I want to lose xx pounds within the next 6 months

    Example of vague goal: I want to lose enough weight within the next 5 months so that I can wear my old trousers.

    The first goal is more likely to get you positive results than the second one. Don't you agree?

    Along with being specific, your goal also needs to be realistic and achievable. If you set a goal like 'I want to lose 16 pounds within the next week'-well, that is not a very realistic goal. How can you set up a goal like that when research says that you cannot lose more than 1-2 pounds per week regardless of how hard you try? If you setup unrealistic goals you will obviously fail to achieve it and it will make you depressed and frustrated, which are the two reasons for causing obesity in adults. So you should set only realistic goals that you are confident to achieve. If in doubt consult your physician first.

    Now that you have setup a goal, it is time to maintain it. How is that possible?

    Setup a plan. Planning should include the specific activities you must do each day to lose weight and the amount of time you should allot to each activity. For example, a typical planning for a week can be like this:

    1. Take a vow not to eat junk food anymore, as well as reduce the amount of your daily food intake; but don't starve.

    2. Set a specific time for doing workouts and exercises.

    3. Setup a specific time when you would like to eat or sleep. Ideally, you should devote at least 7-8 hours per day to sleeping.

    4. Take an oath not to drive to your office or mall; instead, try to walk these distances. When visiting a shopping mall, try your best to avoid the elevator, and take to the stairs instead!

    5. Watch what you eat throughout the day, and the whole week.

    6. Count the amount of calories you are taking in each day by noting it down in your weight loss diary. For your information, your total fat or cholesterol intake should not exceed the amount listed in the nutritional facts at the side of every food product.

    Now that your weight loss goal is setup, it is time to put it in action. Go and get ready by approaching the steps one by one.

    Last but not the least, never be in a hurry. There are pills for sure that claim to help you lose a large amount of weight within a short time; however, these pills are very much harmful for the body, because they not only burn your fat but your muscle as well. Instead, if you choose to lose weight slowly and have patience, you will lose only fat and NO muscle.

    If you want to get more specific information about weight loss and workout programs then you can visit my website by clicking the link in my resource box.

    Tubulence Training workout program has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on how to reach weight loss goal workout programs visit:

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  • Turbulence Training Review
  • Turbulence Training-A New Twist On An Old Idea
  • Labels: , , , , ,

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    Turbulence Training: Quick Weight Loss Training System

    Turbulence training is a quick and easy way to lose weight. It is a weight loss program designed for people who are busy. It is a very efficient and effective way to lose weight. You can gain muscles and lose fat. It is an intense program and you should workout for 3 hours a week for good results.

    Today, most of us do not have time to do workouts. In a gym we cannot spend 2 hours a day doing weight training and exercises. Turbulence training is best suited for people who want to lose weight in quick time and with minimum of fuss. It is a proven way to lose weight quickly. The exercises are designed in such a way that fat people as well as people who like high intensity training love to do these workouts.

    Craig is the person behind turbulence training. He has spent several hours researching on the human body and its process, losing fat and muscle building etc. He has attended many research conferences and monitored many workouts of athletes. The turbulence-training program would get you out of the gym within an hour. You can lose weight as well as build a good body, which is lean and muscular. You can start seeing the results in a week, so start your turbulence weight loss training program NOW.

    Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

    You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL

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  • Turbulence Training - How To Reach Weight Loss Goal
  • Turbulence Training: Quick Weight Loss Training System
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  • Review of Turbulence Training (Lose-weight, tone-up, or get ripped)
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    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Turbulence Training - A Fat Loss Program

    Turbulence training has been considered as the most effective fat loss training system in the world today and it works faster and more effectively than any other Fat loss program. Turbulence Training is the ultimate workout system developed by Men's Fitness Training Adviser, Craig Ballantyne. This program helps you to lose fat, gain muscles and still maintain a lean body with a minimum workout of less than an hour 3 to 4 times a week. Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat faster, while protecting your skillfully developed muscles.

    Turbulence training promotes a significant reduction in body fat and an increase in energy levels over a period 4 weeks in association with a proper diet plan. It is a program which demands a lot of energy which may allow you to have more strength than you had before the fat loss program. Turbulence training focuses on the burning of carbohydrates to fat, inorder to burn more calories after the workout is over. Turbulence Training focuses on resistance training and interval training. Both of these use carbohydrate as the main source of energy.

    So it's obvious the workout is designed to burn carbohydrates during the training session. Turbulence training program’s post-exercise burning of carbohydrates attribute to the principle of anaerobic exercise. Therefore, when you exercise with intervals and heavy resistance training, your body uses more calories in the hours after exercise than it would if you did traditional cardio and lifted lighter weights. The heavy resistance helps in promoting protein yield and an enhanced body composition.

    Turbulence Training also helps women maintain an attractive feminine physique. It helps you to lose fat, gain muscle, sustain weight loss and say good-bye to your love handles forever. Recent studies have revealed that, all fitness models, body builders and athletes and even common people should include high intensity resistance and interval training for fat loss and muscle development. Exercise intensity is the determining factor for post-exercise energy expenditure and fat loss success. But interval training is more effective for burning body fat and maintaining muscle mass than regular cardio.

    Turbulence Training is a structured routine that allows you to get the most results in the least amount of time indifferent of your goals. This fat loss program induces a metabolic disturbance in the body which occurs from muscle damage invoked by intense interval and resistance training creating a potent stimulus for fat loss and muscle growth. Thus burning more calories and fat, developing a better metabolic body condition and gaining enough muscles compared to any other Weight loss program.

    Lisa Collins is an associated editor to the website Figurefirst is dedicated to solve all your weight related queries and provide you up to the mark information on weight loss, diet pills obesity, healthy recipes, obesity diseases, and latest news. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at “”.

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  • Turbulence Training Review
  • What Is Turbulence Training?
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    Monday, January 7, 2008

    Review of Turbulence Training (Lose-weight, tone-up, or get ripped)

    Craig Ballantyne CSCS,MS, the author and creator of Turbulence Training is a world-reknowned Strength and Conditioning Specialist with a master's degree in Exercise Physiology. Craig has written numerous articles some appearing in Muscle & Fitnes Hers, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, Men's Health and more. He has created an amazing fat loss and muscle building program. One of the most comprehensive I've come across on the web.

    Turbulence Training was developed out of Craig's years spent as a top trainer, his personal experience, and university studies.You can be assured that with Craig's impeccable credentials and solid reputation that he knows what he is talking about and is more than qualified to do so.

    It may appear to be geared towards men (after all the author is a guy), but trust me it is designed for both men and women.

    Ladies please don't be alarmed be the terms "build muscle" or "strength training" you will will tone-up, firm-up, and lose weight without bulking up.

    Gentlemen, you too can lose weight, tone-up, and get ripped (if you're so inclined).

    It works for men and women of all fitness levels.

    Turbulence Training is time-efficient (30-45 minutes), research-proven (numerous studies), high intensity combination of resistance and interval training to lose fat and gain muscle.

    I said high intensity, but high intensity in this program depends on the person performing the exercise. Turbulence Training was developed with all fitness levels in mind from the couch potato to the most active individuals. There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of the program and the intensity is all relative.

    Turbulence Training is ideal for people (like me) with busy lives because it can be done in just 3 quick 30-45 minute workouts per week. The workouts can be performed in a gym or at home without any equipment (using your own body weight to perform the exercises) or with very minimal equipment. Which is great if you're short on time and short on money.

    The workouts include a 5 minute warm-up followed by 15-20 minutes of strength training and 15-20 minutes of interval training.

    Craig stresses the importance of changing/varying your workouts to constantly challenge your body. So depending on the level of fitness you're at you will only do each workout for 2-4 weeks. Which also means you won't get bored which has made it easier for me to stay with it.

    Craig provides clear and concise descriptions along with photos of each exercise so you know that you are performing them properly.

    Also included in the program are nutritional tips, an extensive FAQ section, and an easy to follow 21-Day Step-By-Step guide to fat loss, each day you incorporate one small tip into your program so you are not completely overwhelmed at the beginning as with so many other programs. You just need one small change a day for 21 days. The little changes made it much less intimidating. You don't have to change all your bad habits overnight.

    When you order Turbulence Training you also get approximately 1 hour of audio clips with Craig discussing the Turbulence Training Program and Lifestyle and several bonus reports including one pack with nutritional info and a turbo fat loss program.

    I found the audio clips to be informative and a great overview of the entire program and the concept, but I must be honest at times portions of the clips sounded a little monotonous. Nonetheless, they were a big help.

    Overall, I have to say that I was extremely impressed and pleased with the entire program. It is working great for me. I've put on a few pounds and have lacked the motivation to do anything about it until now. I see the results in my jeans and in the mirror. My goal is to wear a swimsuit this summer for the first time in about seven years.

    Craig offers an 8-week money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. So you have nothing to lose.

    I wrote this article to try to help other people in situations similiar to mine. I am a single parent and don't have much money and I have very little spare time. Who has time to spend an hour a day on a treadmill or if you have been spending all that time doing cardio are you stuck in rut or at a plateau?

    Craig Ballantyne has been my answer to weight loss and understanding exercise. Hopefully, you'll allow him to help you too. Good Luck!

    To learn more about Craig or Turbulence Training click here.

    E-Book reviewer.

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  • What Is Turbulence Training?
  • Turbulence Training Review
  • Turbulence Training - A Weight Loss Secret for Men and Women
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    Thursday, January 3, 2008

    Turbulence Training: How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

    Many people who aim to lose weight fail because they don't know how to reach weight loss goal. There is a certain strategy you need to adopt if you really want to lose weight. In this article, we shall discuss the whole strategy which will help you understand how to reach weight loss goal.

    So, how to reach weight loss goal? First off, you need to understand specifically how much weight you want to lose or should lose. Instead of making vague calculations, you can do the following:

    1. Use Body Mass Index: Feelings like 'I am overweight' or that 'I want to lose some weight' are very subjective thoughts. You should know what you really aim to do. To get a better feel of how much weight you want to lose, you may want to use the Body Mass Index and know what your BMI is. This will help you set more specific weight loss goals and eventually you will find out that your weight has returned back to normal.

    2. Another option is to schedule an appointment with your local physician. Tell him about your problems. Most likely, he is already aware of your medical history and he can tell you specifically how much weight you should lose.

    Once you are clear on your aim, it is time to set up a goal and make an action plan. To do this, you can do one of the following:

    1. If you haven't been doing it already, you should start maintaining a weight loss diary where you write down your goals, your present height and weight stats and both your short and long term weight loss goals. Your goals should be specific and not vague.

    Example of a specific goal: I want to lose xx pounds within the next 6 months

    Example of vague goal: I want to lose enough weight within the next 5 months so that I can wear my old trousers.

    The first goal is more likely to get you positive results than the second one. Don't you agree?

    Along with being specific, your goal also needs to be realistic and achievable. If you set a goal like 'I want to lose 16 pounds within the next week'-well, that is not a very realistic goal. How can you set up a goal like that when research says that you cannot lose more than 1-2 pounds per week regardless of how hard you try? If you setup unrealistic goals you will obviously fail to achieve it and it will make you depressed and frustrated, which are the two reasons for causing obesity in adults. So you should set only realistic goals that you are confident to achieve. If in doubt consult your physician first.

    Now that you have setup a goal, it is time to maintain it. How is that possible?

    Setup a plan. Planning should include the specific activities you must do each day to lose weight and the amount of time you should allot to each activity. For example, a typical planning for a week can be like this:

    1. Take a vow not to eat junk food anymore, as well as reduce the amount of your daily food intake; but don't starve.

    2. Set a specific time for doing workouts and exercises.

    3. Setup a specific time when you would like to eat or sleep. Ideally, you should devote at least 7-8 hours per day to sleeping.

    4. Take an oath not to drive to your office or mall; instead, try to walk these distances. When visiting a shopping mall, try your best to avoid the elevator, and take to the stairs instead!

    5. Watch what you eat throughout the day, and the whole week.

    6. Count the amount of calories you are taking in each day by noting it down in your weight loss diary. For your information, your total fat or cholesterol intake should not exceed the amount listed in the nutritional facts at the side of every food product.

    Now that your weight loss goal is setup, it is time to put it in action. Go and get ready by approaching the steps one by one.

    Last but not the least, never be in a hurry. There are pills for sure that claim to help you lose a large amount of weight within a short time; however, these pills are very much harmful for the body, because they not only burn your fat but your muscle as well. Instead, if you choose to lose weight slowly and have patience, you will lose only fat and NO muscle.

    If you want to get more specific information about weight loss and workout programs then you can visit my website by clicking the link in my resource box.

    Tubulence Training workout program has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on how to reach weight loss goal workout programs visit:

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  • Turbulence Training Review - Find Out What The Turbulence Training Is About
  • Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Is Turbulence Training The Answer?
  • Interval Training Works For Me - Is Turbulence Training The Best Interval Training System For You?
  • Fast Fat Loss - What Makes Turbulence Training Different?
  • Labels: , , , , ,

    Wednesday, January 2, 2008

    Turbulence Training Review

    Like so many other people, I have been trying to get my weight under control. I have tried everything from L.A. Diet which is liquid only to Adkins and many other fad diets. I came across “Turbulence Training” one day when I was search for a diet and exercise plan on the internet. Turbulence Training was created by Craig Ballantyne, a certified strength and conditioning coach.

    I was pretty skeptical about the claims the program makes. I decided to try Turbulence Training for two reasons. Number one is the low price, I have paid much more for useless training videos and equipment. Number two, there is an eight week money back guarantee. I told myself I would try the program for a month and get my money back if I didn't see any results.

    On to the program itself. Turbulence Training is designed for busy people, which was great for me. You work out three time per week for 45 minutes each session and all the exercises can be done in the privacy of your own home.

    I started Turbulence Training with a lot of hesitation. I had been using a treadmill at home 4 times a week for an hour and a half. I didn't think there was any way working out half as long and one less time per week would produce any results. Boy was I wrong.

    Let me say this, within a month of starting the program, co-workers were beginning to ask questions. The workouts are short but they are very intense. With Turbulence Training, I have been able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. This is something I had never been able to do before, I was always just trying to get rid of the fat and not worried about muscle building. Now I am working towards that really toned look that I have always wanted.

    Not long after my co-workers began asking questions, some of my friends began to ask what I was doing as well. I clued them in to Turbulence Training and got a couple of them hooked. We have been working out together for the past couple weeks and having other people to work out with has just added to my motivation.

    I can honestly recommend Turbulence Training to anyone that is fed up with fad diets and working out for hours with no results. A lot of people have had success with Turbulence Training and you can read other testimonials on their website.

    Justin Biggs is a businessman and former fad diet tester. To learn more about Turbulence Training please visit Turbulence Training.

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  • Discover Why Turbulence Training Is Perfect For The Person With The Busy Lifestyle
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