Friday, February 29, 2008

Turbulence Training - Turbo Charge Muscle Stength And Weight Loss With Turbulence Training

Craig Ballantyne, creator of Turbulence Training, has used his years of experience and latest scientific research to ensure your time spent exercising is time spent wisely.

Turbulence Training is a combination of resistance training(weights) and interval training(aerobic) to boost your overall fitness.

With the two types of training combined, it has a much more intense impact (metabolic disturbance) on your body than a single session of boring "cardio-vascular" exercises or lifting weights.

Turbulence Training has a more potent stimulus for change in the structure of your body.

That is, it is a very intensive workout with a more lasting impact for fat loss and muscle growth.

The best part about turbulence training is, it does not require you to spend endless hours and days at the gym. If you have a busy schedule, it is nearly impossible to spend that amount of time at a gym.

However it is designed to be an extremely quick and efficient workout, designed to fit busy, active lifestyles. Only Three sessions of 30-45 minute workouts a week are required for optimal performance.

In fact, the training itself can be done at home without gym equipment.

In addition, the programs are varied to maintain your level of motivation, and by varying the program regularly your body is being 'shocked' to build more muscle strength and burning fat.

Like all types of diet and fitness programs, Turbulence Training will not suit everyone. If you have a busy lifestyle and wish to get fit and healthy, Turbulence Training is for you. And if you are someone who visits the gym everyday, this is may not be for you.

But if you are struggling with the progress of your fitness results or looking for a change, Turbulence Training is worth considering.

Need more of a Turbulence Training review, please visit and for more turbulence training workout

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    Sunday, February 24, 2008

    Discover Why Turbulence Training Is Perfect For The Person With The Busy Lifestyle

    Losing weight is hard, but deciding which weight loss and fitness plan to follow is even harder. One such weight loss and fitness plan that has received a lot of attention in recent weeks is Turbulence Training. So what is Turbulence Training, and should you rush out buy it right now? Well that is the question that this Turbulence Training review aims to answer.

    This Turbulence Training review really needs to start off by pointing out this this diet and fitness plan might not be for everyone. You see, the thing about Turbulence Training is that it is a diet and fitness plan that places a heavy emphasis on infrequent, but intensive exercise.

    When following the Turbulence Training diet and fitness plan you only exercise a few time per week, but when you do, the exercise is more intense than in other fitness programs. If you are the sort of person who enjoys daily trips to the gym, then Turbulence Training may not be the diet and fitness plan for you. If you live a hectic lifestyle, and struggle to fit the gym into your daily life, then Turbulence Training may be the fitness and diet plan for you.

    One thing that you notice as soon as you check out Turbulence Training is the easy to read nature of the material. Craig Ballantyne really has done an excellent job making sure that the materials is simple and easy to follow. While some other diet and fitness plans can be hard to read, Turbulence Training is presented in such a way that almost anyone can sit down and access this great resource quickly and easily.

    If you enjoy going to the gym every day then Turbulence Training is probably not the diet and fitness plan for you. If however, you are someone who ha a busy lifestyle but wants to get fit and healthy quick then Turbulence Training was designed with you in mind.

    Tim McIntyre runs the friendly Healthy Living Blog and is an expert on a wide range of healthy living issues.

    If you want to read a more detailed turbulence training review then visit right this second.

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  • Discover Why Turbulence Training Is Perfect For The Person With The Busy Lifestyle
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    Wednesday, February 20, 2008

    Turbulence Training - 3 Questions You Should Ask Before You Buy Turbulence Training

    Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training diet and fitness plan has certainly caused some waves in recent months. But before you get caught up in the hype and rush out and buy Turbulence Training, here is a list of three questions that you should ask yourself first. Don't buy Turbulence Training until you can answer yes to all of these questions.

    1. Are you prepared to start a fitness and health plan that only involves doing exercise a few time a week?

    The core of the Turbulence Training plan is that the best way to get fit is to exercise only a few times a week. Rather than exercise in almost every day, instead you will exercise just a couple of times per week, but at a much higher intensity. Doing so will result in better results than if you exercise more regularly.

    This way of doing things may not suit everyone. If you enjoy going to the gym every day then you should probably not buy Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training fitness plan.

    2. Do you really want to get fit and lose weight?

    Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training has been critically acclaimed, and has sold thousands of copies. And a lot of people who have bought Turbulence Training have lost a lot of weight and have gained a lot of muscle. But, as good as Craig Ballantynes's Turbulence Training is you will not get fit unless you are determined to do so.

    Getting fit is hard. If you are not determined to do it, then you won't succeed in achieving your goals.

    3. Will you be able to stick to the Turbulence Training plan?

    Unlike other fitness plans, Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training only requires you to perform exercise a couple of times per week. This is the perfect diet and fitness plan for anyone who lives a busy lifestyle and who find it hard to get to the gym. But if you think that exercising a couple of times per week is too much then you probably shouldn't buy Turbulence Training.

    Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training really is the perfect fitness plan for busy people with little time to get to the gym,. If you are happy only exercising a few time per week, and if you really want to lose weight, and if you will be able to stick to the plan, then I'd strongly recommend that you buy Turbulence Training.

    Tim McIntyre runs the friendly Healthy Living blog which aims to spread free healthy living fitness news, views and articles as far and wide as possible.

    To read a more detailed a Turbulence Training review then visit right this second.

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  • Turbulence Training Review
  • Turbulence Training-A New Twist On An Old Idea
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    Friday, February 15, 2008

    Turbulence Training Review - Why Turbulence Training Alone Won't Get You A Better Body

    If people who made exercise products were honest, they would tell you that exercise has little to do with fat loss. Absolutely, exercise helps. It speeds up the process and builds muscle. But really, exercise is over-hyped, because there’s money to be made off of it. Yes, I recommend Turbulence Training; it’s a kick-butt exercise program AND it includes a chapter written by a nutritionist. This is where Turbulence Training separates itself from other fat-loss products. This article will look at why people are forever a few pounds away from the body they’ve always wanted.

    They eat healthy only 75 % of the time.

    The end.

    Just kidding. But seriously, food, more than anything keeps people overweight. If you’re reading this and you need to lose weight, just face it, you have to change what you eat. You have to do it. There’s no diet pill. There’s no magic exercise. There’s no low-fat, zero-calorie substitute. We’re talking doing a 180 from processed foods to whole foods. The author of Turbulence Training, Craig Ballantyne, makes this point clear in his book.

    How to eat healthy 9 times out of 10?

    One of the things you can do to keep from straying off your diet is writing out a simple affirmation 10 times each morning. Then repeating it 10 times out loud with enthusiasm. Do it first thing when you get up. Somehow, the combination of putting it in writing and saying it to yourself rewires your thought pattern. Here’s an affirmation example: “I eat only healthy foods consistent with Turbulence Training.” You might think this is fruity, but it works.

    Maybe you have read that it’s better to eat 6 small meals a day rather than the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is a great idea and will work IF you have your 6 healthy meals planned the night before. With twice as many meals, you won’t feel starved between meals, but you’ll also have more opportunities to cheat. Cheating keeps you from your ideal body. Do you think the fittest man or woman at your gym cheats on their diet? Everyone has to sacrifice and plan to get lean and stay lean.

    You may also have read that you should write down everything you eat---keep a food journal. This is also a great idea and will work IF you get tough with yourself. It works even better if you have a trusted friend who will look over your journal once a week. Carry your journal everywhere and enter all food, even if it is bad. This will let you see where and when you gave in to cravings and how you can prepare for next time.

    Using any one of these 3 methods will help you drop those final pounds. The chapter in Turbulence Training on nutrition gives you a list of foods to choose. From there, it’s up to you to eat those foods consistently. Remember, it’s not what exercise you do; it’s what you do with a knife, fork, and spoon.

    Z.D. Zimmerman is a private personal trainer in the Denver, Colorado area. He is always testing new ways of exercising. When designing a workout program for a new client, Turbulence Training is one of the few resources he refers to regularly. For more information about the Turbulence Training book, please see his excellent Turbulence Training

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    Saturday, February 9, 2008

    Turbulence Training - 4 Ways Turbulence Training Busts Excuses

    You have time to watch your favorite TV shows, take a night class, work overtime, go to Starbucks before work, and gossip with friends, but you don’t have time to exercise. Actually, for most people, they do have time; what they don’t have is a plan. The most common excuse is of course – I don’t have time – but people say that, I think, because they’re embarrassed to admit that they don’t know how to exercise effectively. Where can I exercise, when can I exercise, what do I need to exercise, will this exercise work if I do it; are questions like these holding you back? This article will look at how Turbulence Training takes the excuses out of excuse-prone men and women.

    Excuse Busted #1

    Now some people flat-out don’t like gyms, some people can’t decide between gyms, some people can’t afford a gym membership, some people don’t live near a gym, some people hate gym music, and some people have a thing about people watching them exercise. Do you need to go to a gym to do Turbulence Training? No, you can do it at home. Or if you want to workout in a big open space, go to a city park.

    Excuse Busted #2

    There’s a lot of bad information out there that makes you feel like you would have to exercise everyday for 3 hours to get rid of your body fat. I know people that workout 6 days a week. Keeping healthy is important, but that’s just crazy. And, I might add, boring. How often do you exercise with Turbulence Training? You do three 45 minute workouts each week.

    Excuse Busted #3

    If you’re like me, at one time you bought an expensive piece of exercise equipment, used it for 2-4 weeks, and then put it in the basement. It was too expensive to just get rid of, but you didn’t want to see it either. You don’t want to do that again. Do you have to spend money on equipment with Turbulence Training? Yes, you do need to buy dumbbells and a stability ball.

    Excuse Busted #4

    For me, if there’s anything worse than being lazy, it’s exercising but not getting results. You see people like that at the gym; they do the same workout week after week, and they look the same as they did when you first saw them. This so important; each part of your workout should have a purpose. Does Turbulence Training explain why you’re doing what you’re doing? Yes, the book is laid out from beginner fat-loss workouts to advanced fat-loss workouts.

    As you can see, excuses get busted by a clear plan of action. Whether you use Turbulence Training or some other fat-loss system, you should know exactly what you have to do and how to do it. When you know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, you’re less likely to give up on yourself. And your goal becomes that much closer.

    Z.D. Zimmerman is a private personal trainer in the Denver, Colorado area. He is always testing new ways of exercising. When designing a workout program for a new client, Turbulence Training is one of the few resources he refers to regularly. For more information about this book, please see a full review here Turbulence Training

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  • What Is Turbulence Training?
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    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    Turbulence Training Review

    Like so many other people, I have been trying to get my weight under control. I have tried everything from L.A. Diet which is liquid only to Adkins and many other fad diets. I came across “Turbulence Training” one day when I was search for a diet and exercise plan on the internet. Turbulence Training was created by Craig Ballantyne, a certified strength and conditioning coach.

    I was pretty skeptical about the claims the program makes. I decided to try Turbulence Training for two reasons. Number one is the low price, I have paid much more for useless training videos and equipment. Number two, there is an eight week money back guarantee. I told myself I would try the program for a month and get my money back if I didn't see any results.

    On to the program itself. Turbulence Training is designed for busy people, which was great for me. You work out three time per week for 45 minutes each session and all the exercises can be done in the privacy of your own home.

    I started Turbulence Training with a lot of hesitation. I had been using a treadmill at home 4 times a week for an hour and a half. I didn't think there was any way working out half as long and one less time per week would produce any results. Boy was I wrong.

    Let me say this, within a month of starting the program, co-workers were beginning to ask questions. The workouts are short but they are very intense. With Turbulence Training, I have been able to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. This is something I had never been able to do before, I was always just trying to get rid of the fat and not worried about muscle building. Now I am working towards that really toned look that I have always wanted.

    Not long after my co-workers began asking questions, some of my friends began to ask what I was doing as well. I clued them in to Turbulence Training and got a couple of them hooked. We have been working out together for the past couple weeks and having other people to work out with has just added to my motivation.

    I can honestly recommend Turbulence Training to anyone that is fed up with fad diets and working out for hours with no results. A lot of people have had success with Turbulence Training and you can read other testimonials on their website.

    Justin Biggs is a businessman and former fad diet tester. To learn more about Turbulence Training please visit Turbulence Training.

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