Thursday, March 27, 2008

Turbulence Training Review - Find Out What The Turbulence Training Is About

Turbulence Training has been developed by Craig Bellantyne, he is a strength & conditioning coach and a member of the training advisory board for men's fitness magazine. His experience goes back to the mid 90's in the gym as well as doing researches. He has been coaching and working with hundreds of clients in training sessions and he has combined his years of experience and latest scientific research to ensure your exercises leads to the best and most pleasing results.

Turbulence Training is a high intensity workout that combines interval training and resistance training to build muscles and lose body fat at the same time. The methods can be used by both men and women. You work out three times per week 45 minutes each session.

The e-Book is 86 pages, with illustrations and explanations of the multi-movement exercises. The first 30 pages covers the essential parts of training, basics such as, 25 nutrition tips for fat loss, good and bad food choices and goal setting. The rest of the e-book covers the essential Turbulence Training guidelines and workout schedules from the beginner to the advanced. The training package is including a lot of bonus material, one of them is a nutrition manual witch I found very interesting. It comes with a lot of bonus workouts for body-weight only, for muscle building advised fat loss, and a female specific bonus.

If we were to compare Turbulence Training with other courses, this one has big advantages, the author lays it out in great detail and the bonus material is great, the basic edition comes for the price of $39.95 USD. the deluxe edition costs $97 USD, it comes with a hold bunch of extra material that you might want to look in to. Both versions is backed with a 8-week money back guarantee.

The material is very easy to follow, it is backed with detailed illustrations and photos. It is a quick and efficient workout designed for people with very little time to spare. There are no complicated calorie formulas

this course has been developed by an expert, that is obvious. I thought it was very easy to follow and fun to. The picture illustrations made it very easy to comprehend and a 45 minutes workout 3 times a week suited my schedule perfectly, the results so far have been very pleasing, and when it is put to good use with no cheating, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

Found this review on Turbulence Training useful? If you want to learn more, feel free to get more detailed information and directions at the following site:

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  • What Is Turbulence Training?
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  • Turbulence Training - A Weight Loss Secret for Men and Women
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    Sunday, March 23, 2008

    Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Is Turbulence Training The Answer?

    With Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, there are a lot of workouts to choose from.

    Why did they create so many fat loss programs?

    The importance when burning fat through exercising it is vital that you shift the type of exercise to keep your metabolism ticking fast.

    When we exercise we often stick to a program for several months without any change. This means that our body gets used to the exercise and adjust to meet the workout. This is why you should change your workout ever 5-6 weeks. This will boost the fat burning process and keep it going for as long as you would want to.

    Turbulence training switches type of exercise every 4 weeks, this makes it more possible that this training will give outstanding results.

    You must change your workout every 3-4 weeks.

    Turbulence Training gives you many options and this article is meant to be a guide to what level would be appropriate for you.

    1) The complete beginner.
    If you are overweight and haven't done any physical training for a long time you should start with the Introductory Program. If you are completely out of shape you have to start here as bodyweight exercises prepare your muscles for the more heavy workouts coming in the future. It will also prevent you from having overuse injuries that we (overweight and unfit) tend to get from high-volume cardio programs.

    2) Experienced lifter but haven't exercised in a month
    You should start with the intermediate program but only do one set per exercise as this will prevent you from being excessively sore after the workout

    3) Advanced, meaning you workout 3 times per week
    You should start with the original program and work your way through the advanced workouts and when you feel you master it you should use the focused programs.

    After you decide which category you fall into start following the instructions. There is a total of 12 weeks of workouts and if you combine this with one of the better diets that also improves your metabolism you will see some wonderful results!

    If you want to see before and after photos, follow the link below!

    Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

    She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

    If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!

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  • Turbulence Training Review - Find Out What The Turbulence Training Is About
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  • Interval Training Works For Me - Is Turbulence Training The Best Interval Training System For You?
  • Fast Fat Loss - What Makes Turbulence Training Different?
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    Wednesday, March 19, 2008

    Interval Training Works For Me - Is Turbulence Training The Best Interval Training System For You?

    It is really easy to get down on yourself when you are carrying a lot of extra weight and you know you need to lose it. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with what you have let yourself become.

    I know what that is like because I was 50 pounds over my healthy weight for many years. I wanted to be slim and healthy but because I had packed on so many pounds the huge change I needed to make made it feel almost impossible. My self esteem was in the pits. I felt awful about my body and I tried to cover it up with loose-fitting clothes and extra large coats even during warm weather which was so uncomfortable.

    If you are like I used to be and you want to lose weight, you want FAST results so that you can actually see that your effort and sacrifice are paying off. Otherwise it is easy to give up and go back to the old unhealthy ways. When I was beginning my weight loss effort which eventually led to losing over 50 pounds, I wanted results relatively soon so that I would have the incentive to stay on my healthy track.

    When you have a lot of weight to lose it can seem like you are going to have to diet forever to ever get to your goal - so seeing results on the scale and in the mirror can be very motivating to stick with your program.

    Back when I lost my 50+ pounds I followed what was generally taught when it came to losing weight. Eat healthier foods and exercise. The healthy eating advice was good however the “expert” exercise advice I followed was to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day in a “fat burning” zone. I followed that advice for years and I would even change my schedule and get up as early as 4 AM to make sure I got my “fat burning” workout hour in for the day.

    Well it turns out the “exercise gurus” that say to work out for a long time each day in a “fat burning” zone might not be giving you the best advice.

    Clinical research is now showing that the INTENSITY of your exercise is more important than the DURATION if you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off .

    I have now embarked on a strategy of interval training using Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne.

    I am sharing my thoughts and progress at my site.

    If you want to visit and read my results or if you are interested in learning more interval training or if want to see if it is really possible to lose weight and get in shape faster in MUCH LESS TIME than you may have thought, please visit my site.

    If you want to visit and read my results or if you are interested in learning more about interval training or if you just want to see if it is really possible to lose weight and get in shape faster in MUCH LESS TIME than you may have thought, please visit my site.


    If you are thinking about becoming a personal trainer and want some great tips go to:

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    Friday, March 14, 2008

    Fast Fat Loss - What Makes Turbulence Training Different?

    What separates Turbulence Training from all of the other fat loss, fat burning systems out there?

    Mostly the fusion of dumbell, bodyweight, and interval training.

    5 years ago, interval training and using low reps for fat loss was a renegade approach. Today, the interval training research studies are getting a lot of press, and interval training and low-rep free weight training are much more commonplace, although I think a lot of people still don't really "get" how to do intervals correctly.

    Because most people have that "cardio mentality" ingrained, its hard for them to take the proper amount of rest between intervals. What most people do is sprint, then work at normal cardio pace, then sprint, etc.

    But really, a good interval training program is a series of sprints separated by almost complete recovery. That way, you can work much harder during the sprint portion of the workout. By doing cardio at a normal intensity between sprints, you sacrifice your sprint intensity.

    People need to stress less about exercise heart rate. Heart rate does NOT determine fat loss rate. I've been saying that for years now - and I know I'm the only one that's ever really pointed that out.

    Finally, the Turbulence Training workouts are unique and full of variety. Perfect for the reader that goes crazy sticking to one program for more than 4 weeks. I've come up with a library of hundreds of unique bodyweight and dumbell exercises to keep my readers getting results and having fun.

    Turbulence Training is the best way to burn fat fast. Short workouts done only 3 times per week are the answer to "lack of time to workout".

    You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

    Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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    Monday, March 10, 2008

    Turbulence Training Review

    Turbulence Training is a Complete Healthy Body Training Program that has a combination of both fat-burning and muscle growing and has been the topic of many well-known trainers for many years now. The importance of this program is that it utilizes strength training with resistance training.

    Men and women can achieve great results in the comfort of their own home. You need not spend any money for a membership at the gym.

    The turbulence training website talks about the need for proper nutrition as a part of a total healthy body. It explains the connection between exercises, and the fat burning, muscle growing results. It also states the benefits that are brought about regarding emotional and mental well-being while following this 45 minute program. Busy men and women will welcome the ability to achieve a total healthy body using this workout program.

    Decreasing your time spent in exercising is an obvious benefit of turbulence training. Today it is not uncommon to juggle work, home and even college schedules, so saving time while achieving desired body sculpture is an easy objective if you use the turbulence program without cheating.

    Craig Ballantyne adds real value by adding strength and resistance training along with conditioning and nutrition guidelines. Both men and women fill find real value from this complete training package.

    There are many programs out there that follow the similar concepts found in the Turbulence program but the additional benefit in this workout program is that you can be in and out of working out in less than 45 minutes, 3 times a week.

    Unfortunately, Craig Ballantyne missed out in giving more details on the nutrition side of fat loss. Although it contains a bonus nutrition guide that gives step by step diet plans, you really don't get a detailed analysis on the why's of such dieting plans.

    Yet, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of this program.

    If you are looking for a success story on how one person used the Turbulence training program to lose the fat right off, then click the link below.

    Turbulence Training

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  • Review of Turbulence Training (Lose-weight, tone-up, or get ripped)
  • Labels: , , , ,

    Thursday, March 6, 2008

    Turbulence Training - What Is It, And Will It Work For You?

    Most of us lead busy lives, and a certain percentage of us will admit to knowing we should follow a exercise program but lack the time or guidance to start one. Even those who make it to the gym may wonder if there is a better, faster way to get the results they desire? Turbulence training just may be the answer to these inquiries.

    What exactly is turbulence training?

    Turbulence Training is a Complete Healthy Body Training Program. The benefits of a program that combines both fat-burning and muscle growing has been the topic of many fitness magazines and well-known trainers for years now. The importance of turbulence training is explained on the turbulence training website.

    Men and women can achieve from the privacy of their own homes, the results of losing fat and gaining muscle. Turbulence training can achieve these results without the need for expensive exercise equipment, and club fees.

    One key benefit of turbulence training is that it utilizes strength training with resistance training with multiple examples of how both men and women are achieving desired results. The information on the site benefits those who are just beginning or those who are advanced in their workouts. There is valuable information for any fitness level on the turbulence training website.

    The turbulence training website talks about the need for proper nutrition as a part of a total healthy body. The site explains the connection between exercise, and the fat burning, muscle growing results. It also states the benefits that are brought about regarding emotional and mental well-being while following the turbulence training. Busy men and women will welcome the ability to achieve a total healthy body using turbulence training.

    Decreasing your time spent in exercising is an obvious benefit to turbulence training. Today it is not uncommon to juggle work, home and even college schedules, so saving time while achieving desired body training is a real find.

    Turbulence training adds real value by adding strength and resistance training along with conditioning and nutrition guidelines. Both men and women fill find real value from this complete training package. This is a no-brainer solution for those of all levels of fitness training experience.

    Visit to request your FREE copy of a controversial report that covers the most common exercise myths that are sabotaging your fat loss efforts, and to get more information about Turbulence Training

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  • Turbulence Training Review
  • What Is Turbulence Training?
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    Saturday, March 1, 2008

    Turbulence Training

    So you want to lose fat and gain muscle quickly, but don’t have time to go to a gym? Well then Turbulence Training is for you. Turbulence training is the perfect workout regiment for the businessman on the go or the wife to be who needs to lose a couple of unsightly pounds before that big day. You may wonder how it works. It’s quite simple really.

    First of all, you must abide by a diet. You want to stick to fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh meats and poultry. No more fast food or snack foods are permitted for turbulence training. Carbs and saturated fats can be kissed goodbye because they are now the enemy. It may seem hard, but this system has had a higher success rate than other diets, so they know what they’re talking about.

    Now it’s time for the workout. Turbulence training will only take three days out of your week. You work out in a specific regiment until you finish completely. If you finish in one hour, then you finish in an hour and you move on with your busy life. If it takes you longer, that’s fine. This is a change of lifestyle. It will take a while before your body gets accustomed to working out on a scheduled basis. Remember when you work out that stretching before and after a workout are very important. Not doing so can lead to serious injury and could set you back many months in your regiment. Rest is also very important. Don’t rush your workout! Do an exercise and give yourself time to rest. Do not finish an exercise and start another right away. After an exercise is through, give yourself at least a minute to stretch and get mentally ready for your next exercise.

    There are many workout exercises that you must endure yourself to if you want to achieve your weight and muscle goals. Bench pressing free weights can help tone the chest and arms. Pull ups are also a useful workout as they can help strengthen the upper body in more ways than one. A final example would be a walking lunge. The walking lunge is a very helpful exercise that can help tone the legs and bottom portion of the body. Of course, these are just three examples of workouts. There are many more possibilities.

    Now that you have a basic diet and a workout routine, all you need now is commitment. The easiest part of any diet is saying what you want to do. The hardest is actually sticking with a diet and workout plan. America’s inability to do so accounts for why this is the most obese country on the globe. But turbulence training is very easy. Not abiding by this diet would be almost outrageous.

    As you have read, turbulence training could be the new workout of the future. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to brag to the world that you were one of the first to be a success at turbulence training?

    Turbulence training can help countless people lose unsightly weight and get them muscles in place of those love handles.

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